Services of RS & Sons Overseas Ltd is designed to ensure that each step of recruitment chain is carefully coordinated and managed. Our staff is comprised of professionals who are committed to securing the process 50 as to meet your requirements.
Fits to our clients
o You will get a dedicated service, ensuring a total commitment to our clients and customers.
o You will get expert knowledge combined with comprehensive candidate’s database which means you get the best possible solution to all your requirements.
All our staffs arc extensively operational experienced and arc able to provide effective support and advice at every stage of the operation.

Our recruitment Procedures
I. REGISTRATION DESK: RS & Sons Overseas Ltd. offers its service for its clients from its main information service desk where any relevant information can be obtained. Moreover the candidate registration is also carried out and the databank is maintained as well. It also operates ‘BIO-DATA BANK ‘where candidates information is recorded.
2. ADVERTISEMENT IN PRINT MEDIA: After receiving the company requirement. we apply with the Department of Labour of the Government of Bangladesh for authorization, the Department of Labour grant the approval on being satisfied about the credibility of the DEMAND LETTER and attesting that terms and conditions allows Signing the recruitment company is to advertise the DEMAND in newspapers.
3. SELECTION OF CANDIDATES: We maintain an up to date bank of potential candidates with full information on their skills. education, technical / trade qualification and experience and advertising allows other candidates to compete for the final interview for short listed candidates by pre-interview. The final interview for short listed candidates prescreening can be conducted by the employer or his representative or by the LIFE LINE international taking oral, written and practical test. The selection is made purely on merit basis giving equal opportunities to all. The employers are confident that the person selected by the selection committee will fulfill their human resource needs.